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Nina Emge Presents 17 Days


Next episode: Tue, 22 Mar 2022,

In her practice, Nina Emge (*1995 in Zurich, lives and works in Zurichand Berlin) investigates methodologies of listening. Her project forHalle für Kunst (It's never too late to) Stop, Look & Listen, combinesher exploration of sound, composition and listening practices with thedevelopment and construction of playable sculptures: idiophones. Inorganology, the term idiophone (from ídios 'own' and phōneĭn 'to sound')refers to a group of instruments whose sounding body itself generatesthe sound – like a bell or a xylophone.Both the establishment of a classical musical canon and the forms ofhistoriography that underlie it are based on mechanisms of distinction.These mechanisms can also be traced through the marginalisation ofdiasporic musical traditions and through collective musical practicesthat exist without being fixed by compositions.On receiving an invitation to exhibit at Halle für Kunst, Nina Emge hasextended the invitation, resulting in the performance project Calmô withCustoms & Borders, Jesse G, Yantan Ministry and Julian Zehnder, whichwill take place at Halle für Kunst on the closing weekend, and adecentralised radio station 17 Days, organised in collaboration withTimon Essoungou. The sets will be broadcast by different radio stations,as well as being audible in Halle für Kunst at the time of streaming.The reused dance floor that has been installed in the Halle für Kunst,provides the stage for the idiophones, as well as for the programmeorganised by the artist in collaboration with Halle für Kunst.All three parts of the project operate independently of each other andform networks of exchange between the individuals involved and thecontext of Halle für Kunst. The ensemble of (It's never too late to)Stop, Look & Listen, 17 Days and Calmô conceptualises a collective formof sound production and listening that departs from the technicalspecifications of a formalized approach to music, while simultaneouslyconstituting a proposal for a decentralised exhibition practice.
