Wait Noise, an uninterrupted flow of ambient and electro-acoustic music, a thematic and a-thematic selection of material and textural approaches to electronic music where the background becomes the foreground.
Curated by Chelidon Frame, sound-artist and sound explorer from Milan, Italy.
Chelidon Frame - A Circle Has No End (feat Andrea Marinelli & MDC)
Michael It'z with Guido Tabone - Distanti - Attimi , Istanti [Shimmering Moods Records]
Perry Frank - Nuit [Valley View Records]
Andreij Rublev - Redundancy in Chaotic Systems
H'UM - The End of a Day
Discontinuation of Treatment - Sincerely
Dust Archive - A.D. 2021 - SP#075
Asymmetric Cut - Ritorna La Sera
MDC - Hug
Chelidon Frame - A Certain Sense Of Loss (feat A Distant Shore & Asymmetric Cut)
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