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The Oldest Dance w/ Matías Ygielka

Montevideo, 22.07.24

minimal musique concrete spoken word

This radioshow proposes a series of esoteric journeys, with a curatorship that evokes from the sound rituals of the dawn of humanity, to the current conceptual electronics, to travel through and within music understood as ecstatic practice: rhythm, silence, invocation, prayer, noise and pleasure, to dance the oldest dance.


  • Ventre de biche - Je suis liquide
  • Wynford - Prelude in A minor, transmitted by Frederic Chopin
  • Robert Ashley - She was a visitor
  • Koyak - Homo Sampler
  • Sylvia Plath - Morning song
  • Brian Mackern - Conjunción Júpiter Saturno a través de las ondas emitidas por un satélite zombi
  • Vergel Veneno - Ata mārie
  • Maya Deren - Voices of Haiti
  • Fill - Adventures II
  • Delia Derbyshere & Barry Bermage - Sea
  • Henry Flynt - Purified by the fire
  • Neil Salley - Interior/Interior

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