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Our Tomorrow w/ Neilll

Berlin, 15.03.22

musique concrete minimalism


◍ What is the inspiration and vision behind Neilll? 
● Neilll is an outlet for me to experiment with and appreciate the otherwise unnoticed sounds in my life. Neilll is a place for me to be free and formless with my expression, exempt from expectation. 
◍ Can you share a little bit about what you’ve included in this mix?
● This mix is full of what I’ve been listening to a lot in 2022! Some older stuff and some new stuff.
◍ What are some of your utopian dreams?
● I think my utopian dreams have to do with being able to exist without the constant dread of making money or trying to prove my capital worth to people. I think utopia is a hard concept for me because I am deeply cynical, but at the very least I have a dream of one day not worrying about healthcare or rent… I guess just something better than the present.
◍ Any exciting things we can look forward to from Neilll in 2022?
● I have an album coming out with Slowfoam hopefully sometime in 2022! I also have a few concepts in mind for other Neilll projects, so stay on the lookout!


  • Triad God  - Gway Lo
  • Huerco S.  - Plonk I
  • Neilll and Slowfoam - Playing with Sublimity
  • Racine - Ibiza
  • Phil Struck - Grube
  • pent - 77xiu-point9
  • John Object - Bellwether
  • Mitchell Keaney - Guts
  • Page - Array
  • exael - Papillion
  • city & i.o - Bleak Chain
  • Serwed - Bet League
  • JJ + JS - Helio’s Trip

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