A bi-monthly radio show spotlighting forward-thinking underground electronic music from Latin America and around the globe. Based in Managua, Nicaragua, Alejandro Marenco weaves electronic music that draws inspiration from Caribbean sound system culture, the rich cultural tapestry of his homeland, and his personal diasporic journey.
Alejandro Marenco - Pollito
Brenda - Gbow
Mecániko - Like Water
1OO1O - Aries
Coffintexts - Todo Mi Cuerpo
Maldito Pop - Hope
Dj Double Oh! - Luchador
IsGwan - Phishing
WOST - Palo
J. Córdova - No Turn Back
Merca Bae - Doble T
First Epoque - YNGZ
BJF - Voltage
Kodemul - Conga y Timbal
Maōh - Xhaxché
Pasq - Sin Perse
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